📄 Page Created February 28, 2022

📆 Last Updated March 30, 2022

🔗 Quick Share: https://hrforukraine.org/russia

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As the Ukrainian Crisis unfolds, HR professionals should also be considering issues that may impact workers in Russia and Belarus, particularly if the situation persists over time. Also here, with the idea of a collaborative effort, the idea is to collect relevant resources here, particularly as many companies announced some form of suspension of operations from Russia and Belarus.

📊 Current Situation

1. Number of Companies That Announced Sanctions


2. Number of Employees Potentially Impacted


See details:

Companies Suspending Business in Russia: Summary View

<aside> ⚠️ This is a Subpage of the HR For Ukraine project page. More resources can be found on the main page



🔥 Key HR Issues

As the conflict in Ukraine unfolds, new pressure measures have been taken both at the governmental level and by individual companies. Many requests are now concentrating on what to do to support employees in Russia and Belarus, and in general how to support Russian people from the impacts of the actions of its government.

Below are the key topics that are emerging from the discussions and the questions received so far. Below also a Video with a few questions I have answered to HR Policy Global on the current situation.
