Feb 2, 2023

Who Is Goodness?

I am a backend developer and technical writer passionate about building performant and intensive applications that solve complex problems while documenting my knowledge to support tech communities.

I spend most of my time learning and writing Go and Rust code, usually for personal or client projects or for a technical article documenting my latest sojourn.

Currently, I’m scouring DevOps with Go and backend development with Rust, all while exploring SEO-optimized technical content creation for documentation and developer education for B2B, B2C, and B2D tech companies as a technical writer.

I aim to deliver high-quality technical content that suits the target audience and ease their workload so they can focus on what matters, “building.”

I understand the effect of technical education on marketing and developer education. My skill set, work rate, and creativity are poised to help you or your company achieve your goals.

The Chef’s Utensils


Over the years, I’ve experimented with industry-type tools and practices, and my train of thought as regards technical content has evolved towards the positive.

Here’s an overview of the technologies I’m familiar with. This is not an exhaustive list; I always learn about optimized practices and better tools.

Programming Languages