Ui Cheats Sims 4 | Sims 4 ui Cheats Extension Mod Hack 2020

ui cheats sims 4|ui cheats extension|sims 4 ui cheats|ui extension sims 4|ui cheats|ui cheats extension sims 4|sims 4 ui extension|sims 4 ui cheats extension|ui extension mod|sims 4 ui mod|ui extension|the sims 4 ui cheats|ui cheat extension|sims 4 ui cheat extension|ui extension mod sims 4|ui mod sims 4|ui cheats mod|sims 4 ui cheats mod|sims 4 cheats mod|sims 4 ui extension mod|ui sims 4|the sims 4 ui extension|sims 4 cheat mod|sims 4 ui|ui cheat extension sims 4|ui cheat sims 4|ui_

Link : https://bit.ly/2wIStjC

Link : https://bit.ly/2wIStjC

The Sims 4 cheat codes are officially prepared and not cheating. You can use it as a fun element or as a countermeasure when a bug occurs. However, it is still an irregular operation, so be sure to back up when using it at your own risk.

how to use Construction mode (Unlock all items, edit hidden areas, etc.) Life mode Simorion increase / decrease Free to move desire Display switching / speed change Relationship Increase / decrease in family, visitors, etc. Targeted cheats Pregnancy, life and death, lifelong desire Lifelong desire Pregnancy, life and death, life stage Fire (GET to Work) Illness (GET to Work) Pet-related (Cats and Dogs) Attribute acquisition / deletion Bonus attributes (from aspiration) Basic characteristics Hidden attributes Characteristics of career events Reward characteristics when the desire is achieved Characteristics of the reward store Characteristics of being raised (Parethood) skill Adult skills Child skills Infant skills Emotion Emotion (from medicine. Get to Work) Occupation (career) / school evaluation Change of work clothes Other cheats ID acquisition Store benefits (Get to Work) Animal hospital benefits (Cats and dogs) Restaurant benefits (Dine out) Vampire rank, power, weakness deletion (Vampires) Season / weather change (Seasons) Fame / Reputation (Get Famous) Free moving, deletion of belongings, etc. comment how to use Edit Display the cheat console (white frame) [PC version] Simultaneously press [CTRL] [SHIFT] [C] [Consumer version] Simultaneously press L1, L2, R1, R2 Enter testingcheats on and enter the execution key (enter for PC version, ○ for consumer). Enter the cheat in single-byte alphanumeric characters and press Enter to execute. (Symbols such as [] and / are not required for actual input.) For [tip]cheats that change sims (character change, skill change, etc.), select the target sim, then enter the cheat code in the console field. I will. To close the cheat console, do the same operation as when you opened it, or press the cancel key. ▲ ▼ Construction mode (Unlock all items, edit hidden areas, etc.) Edit command effect bb.showhiddenobjects The debug item will be displayed. (Displayed when you search for "debug" in the search window) bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Unlock objects such as career rewards and party rewards. bb.moveobjects Objects can be freely placed in places where they cannot normally be placed, such as placing objects one on top of the other. You can also move the object up and down with the "0" and "9" keys (not the numeric keypad) on the keyboard (delete or move the "VideoCameraStates" folder when the 9-key camera settings are in the way). Unlike the previous work, it seems that you can not move by grasping the shim. To turn it off, enter "bb.moveobjects" again. bb.enablefreebuild Make editable parcels (professional workplaces or hidden parcels) editable. bb.showliveeditobjects You can use background objects used in the world. (If you search without entering anything in the search window, it will be displayed at the bottom of the catalog.) ▲ ▼ Life mode Edit ▲ ▼ Simorion increase / decrease Edit It may also be used on the world edit screen.

command effect kaching The household's money in play increases by 1000 Simorion. (Available in the world) rosebud motherlode Households in play now have 50,000 Simorion coins. (Available in the world) Money Set the household money. Example: money 9999 Sims.modify_funds [+/-] [Amount] You can increase or decrease the amount of money your household has. Example: Sims.modify_funds +9999 ▲ ▼ Free to move Edit command effect freeRealEstate on The moving fee will be free. Not valid for City Living apartments ▲ ▼ desire Edit command effect sims.fill_all_commodities Meet the Sim's needs of choice. stats.fill_commodities_household Meet household needs. Targeted cheats can be substituted. ▲ ▼ Display switching / speed change Edit command effect headlineEffects [on / off] Shows / hides the effects that appear above the shim. hovereffects [on / off] You can choose highlight on or off. (White border displayed when hovering over a shim or object) crafting.shorten_phases Accelerate the speed at which your Sims make things. ▲ ▼ Relationship Edit command Modifyrelationship [First Name] [Last Name] [First Name] [Last Name] [(-) Number] [Friendship_Main / Romance_Main] It is a cheat that controls the relationship to the shim specified in the second half of the shim specified in the first half.

Specify the increase or decrease in friendship or affection with [Number] after the family name. If you want to get out of touch, put a- (minus sign) before [number].

For [Friendship_Main / Romance_Main], enter either Friendship_Main (friendship) or Romance_Main (love).

Example: Modify relationship Taro Hanako Yamada Yamada 50 Romance_Main

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