We have a few different workflows to think through with the lockers.

At a high level you can break down the UX Flow into these 3 primary variables in how end users will interact with the platform:

User Type Time Access
User is Known and authenticates in some way for service User is requesting service during normal working hours Open (Web Based or Text)
User is Unknown and can self service without providing identity. User is requesting services during after hours Closed (Proprietary Application on Mobile Device)

User Types

Known Users (Authenticated)

This workflow would leverage a special application on an end user device (iPhone/Android) or via authenticated means on a public website. This approach would be used if we know the recipients and can have current data on them, (i.e., User is Known and authenticates in some way for service).

  1. User would download supported application on their phone or login to website by creating an account or profile
  2. User would be able to use application to select from a few template options for food service and then select the location of the locker (if multi site) that they would like to pickup from.
  3. User would select time/date of pickup and request would be sent to automated system and that would allow access via QR code or other means to lockers at location requested when user arrives.
  4. User retrieves their items and locker is locked after closure. Notification is sent to Market Staff in some way to replenish lockers after use.

Unknown Users (Do Not Authenticate)

The second used case would be essentially what we prefer for a backdrop which is all cell phone-based and we don’t save any users information. (i.e., User is Unknown and can self service without providing identity.) The workflow would look like the following:

  1. User would access the lockers by entering their cell phone on some kind of public facing website.
  2. They would receive a text message instantly that has a pin they would use to access the locker.
  3. They would enter that pin into the iPad on the lockers management console.
  4. They would select a size of compartment needed and scan a photo of whatever they’re dropping off into the locker.
  5. They would then forward that original text message to the recipient so that they could use the same pin to access the food delivery.


Ultimately we want the lockers to be a self service resource that doesn’t require human intervention for access. We realize that we should plan for requests coming in during working hours and non working hours.

Working Hours