Adam Ruf • January 2021 • ~6 hours across 2 weeks

Why did I do this?

I run a contest for UX designers. As part of the way I support contestants, I demonstrate the activities involved in entering the contest. Contest 14 focuses on exercising visual design skills, testing competing visual designs, and constructing case studies that communicate visual design changes.

Contest Goal

Apply a new visual language to the SF Zoo website in order to improve the UX, including

Desired Outcomes

Overview: Homepage redesign

Current homepage

Homepage redesign that I tested

Let's take a closer look at some of the changes I made and my thinking behind those design decisions...


Top: current site's accent colors are pulled from nature, and are also fairly muddy; Bottom: the accent colors I selected to help inject energy into the site

Top: current site's accent colors are pulled from nature, and are also fairly muddy; Bottom: the accent colors I selected to help inject energy into the site


I spent less than 5 minutes on looking for a font that met the following criteria: