<aside> 👉 Vicens Vives Digital / 2019


The company

Vicens Vives Digital, the specialized division in innovative digital solutions designed for education (e-learning) of Vicens Vives Publishing House (+60 years).

The challenge

Design the first software for PBL (Project based learning) of Vicens Vives Digital

Goals of the project


Strategic Design Process

  1. UX Research

    1.1 Visit schools already using this methodology (field work and interviews)

    1.2 Pain points and opportunities of schools, teachers and students using the PBL methodology.

    1.3 Understand PBL estructure, concepts, examples with a third party involved in the project

    1.4 Presentation and Insights

  2. Conceptualization

    2.1 Define the strategy, goals and structure to translate this methodology to the digital environment

    2.2 Define the main structure to translate PBL to the digital software

    1. For teachers
    2. For schools
  3. Product design

    3.1 Wireframes - Some scenarios for teachers

    3.1 Wireframes - Some scenarios for students