A url shortener web service must support the following minimal operations:


How many urls can we represent?

The number of urls in use is naturally much larger than the set we can represent.

A slug with

has $b^r$ permutations. So we can form

$$ N = \sum_{r=1}^n b^r = \dfrac{b^{n+1}-b}{b-1} $$

distinct slugs until we reach slugs of length $n+1$.

If we are able to map each of these to a different url, then we can represent $N$ urls.

A base 64 character set of "[A-Z][a-z][0-9]-_" can represent $\frac{64^6-64}{64-1}$ ~ 1 billion urls before reaching slugs of length six.


Real systems can support the maximum number of links.

Suppose our url shortener maintains a counter, and a table mapping counter value to url.