Step 1. Making a pattern

“In a room the size of a ballroom the Pattern was laid. The floor was black and looked smooth as glass. And on the floor was the Pattern. It shimmered like the cold fire that it was, quivered, made the whole room seem somehow unsubstantial. It was an elaborate tracery of bright power, composed mainly of curves, though there were a few straight lines near its middle. It reminded me of a fantastically intricate, life-scale version of one of those maze things you do with a pencil (or ballpoint, as the case may be), to get you into or out of something. Like, I could almost see the words “Start Here,” somewhere way to the back. It was perhaps a hundred yards across at its narrow middle, and maybe a hundred and fifty long. It made bells ring within my head, and then came the throbbing. My mind recoiled from the touch of it.”

Roger Zelazny, Nine Princes in Amber

The pattern -

Instruction: Through movement over time I will create an indentation in the ground.

Reference: Crop circles, A line made by walking (Richard Long)



Pattern making will be filmed from above and by land. It will act as a seed.


Step 2. Meandering paths

In a field, a video screen, stood on it’s side like a monolith plays the seed.

Participant’s can grow the seed by walking the path from previous movements or create their own pattern.

Land and sky based recordings catalogue their transits. Each transit acts as a layer, an intervention, a creation.

Imaging reference. Davide Quayola, Landscape Paintings.

The past movement of a thing superimposed over it’s present creates a path to the future.