Here at TechSnips, we primarily produce 2 types of content. Snips and courses.


In Tips for Recording your Audition we touched on what snips were from a recording perspective.

From TechSnips perspective, our snip program is our community. Our platform is centered around the folks that produce our content, our contributors. All of our contributors have access to a shared Slack workspace, our automated snip publishing pipeline, peer reviewing, editing, QA reviewing, and publishing.

For all of this we charge absolutely nothing.

Not only that, but if we have clients paying for snips, you might even make a little bit of money producing snips, but not enough that you should count on snipping to pay your bills.

If you are interested in producing content to earn some money, you should check out Courses.

Not sure which is best for you?

Get your feet wet with some snips, see if producing technical training content is right for you. From there, we'll work with you on the content that you want to produce.