What is the Rice Purity Test?

Rice Purity Test is a set of 100 questions that arguably defines how ‘pure’ you are. These questions are generally about relationships, sex, alcohol, law, etc. that college students might indulge themselves in.

The questions in this test start from asking if you have done simple activities like holding hands and eventually get nastier with each question until you reach the 100th question.

The test gives you the purity test score according to your answers. The higher the score, the more pure or innocent is the participant.

The Rice Purity test was first created by Rice University in 1924 and meant for women only initially. Then, another version of the same test appeared in their student newspaper, Rice Thresher.

Over the years, it got adapted into other universities such as Berkeley Purity Test, UCLA Purity Test, Purdue Purity Test etc.

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The Berkley Purity Test

The Berkley Purity Test is an interesting questionnaire that Berkley students use to find the purity of new students who take admission in the university. It is made just for fun purposes so that new students can establish a connection with seniors.

The test comprises 100 questions about different things that Berkley students generally do and want to know if their juniors have done it or not.

Some questions also have specific references to the university campus which makes it even more interesting.

If you are also a Berkley fresher, then take the test now and find out your purity score as per Berkley’s standards.

The Purdue Purity

The Purdue Purity Test consists of 100 unusual questions that the freshman year students of Purdue University have to answer to determine purity as per the university standards.

All these 100 questions are set up by the senior students of the Purdue university and they include some really intimidating questions as well to surprise the new comers.

Every new student who answers the Purdue purity test gets a purity score between 0 - 100. If the score is closer to 0, the student is categorised as uncool and if the score is closer to 100, the student is considered cool enough to hangout with seniors.

Are you also a freshman year student at Purdue University? If yes, you should definitely try out the quiz and see what's your purity score.

The Stanford Purity Test

The Stanford Purity Test is a 100-question quiz made especially for the newly admitted students at Stanford University. A student’s score on the Stanford Purity test determines whether he/she is too pure or too wild for the college.