Bolt 2 will include built-in Tweening units that use the now industry-standard DOTween library by Demigiant as a backend. The entire DOTween API will be supported as reflected units with custom icons, including methods that require delegate callbacks thanks to the new delegate support. However, an additional Tween Member unit will be provided to simplify tweening at the graph language level.

Tween Member will be available under the following conditions:

Tween Member will be preconfigured and bound to a member, just like the current Get Member / Set Member units. For example, because Transform.position fulfills all the above conditions, Bolt 2 will display a “Transform: Tween Position” unit alongside “Transform: Get Position” and “Transform: Set Position”.

The Tween Member unit will have two modes: Basic (default) and Advanced. The Basic mode will provide most commonly used options and callbacks as ports, while the Advanced mode will expose almost all options available in DOTween.

Basic Mode



Advanced Mode



Two additional settings will be exposed in the graph inspector:

Ease Mode

Either Preset (Default) or Curve, to allow the user to choose the type of the Ease port. Preset mode will expose the Ease enum from DOTween, with the usual values like EaseInOutQuad, etc. Curve will expose an animation curve that can be customized for maximum flexibility.


A boolean (default false) checkbox that maps to DOTween’s “From” modifier. When checked, the tween will start at the specified value and move towards the current value. When unchecked, it will start at its current value and end at the specified value.