
Creating your profile README

  1. Click the plus sign icon near the top right corner of the screen. The dropdown menu shows all the choices of items you can create on GitHub.

  2. Click New repository.

  3. In the Owner box, select your GitHub username from the dropdown menu. (It may be the default selection)

  4. In the Repository name box, type your GitHub username. A green box should appear on screen.

  5. Ensure that:

  6. Click the green Create repository button.

  7. When the page reloads, you should be in a repository named YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-USERNAME.

  8. At this point, your GitHub profile README has been created!

Editing your profile README

  1. To edit your profile README, click the pencil icon on the right side of the box.

  2. In the box labeled <> Edit file is your default greeting. Modify this to your liking. You may want to introduce yourself, tell readers what types of projects you are working on, and what your skill set is.

  3. When you are finished, scroll down to the bottom of the page and ensure that the Commit directly to the master branch option is selected.

  4. When you are done editing, click the Commit changes button at the bottom of the page.