CO2 Emissions Formula

To make the API we use a simple distance based formula to estimate the emissions of greenhouse gases (specifically carbon dioxide). The method involves multiplying an activity (fuel use, distance travelled etc.) by an emissions factor for that activity. These emission factors are often provided government organizations. If you have access to the fuel usage data of your vehicle then we multiply this by the emissions factor of the provided fuel type. This method is recommended by the IPCC and provides a more specific value.

//in math speak:
Co2 = ef * fU
//in normal people speak:
Total Emissions = Fuel Emission Factor * Fuel Usage

A secondary method is used to estimate the amount of carbon emissions in the absence of specific fuel data by using the distance travelled and the vehicle type. Some government organizations provide official emission factors for vehicles (diesel car etc.), these emission factors are best estimates using the government statistics available on things such as average fuel economy/consumption. The formula involves multiplying the distance travelled by the emission factor for the vehicle. This approach is recommended by in the absence of specific fuel usage data

//in math speak:
Co2 = vEf * m
//in normal people speak:
Total Emissions = Vehicle Emission Factor * Miles

Emission Factors

U.S & U.K Specific vehicle emission factor

UK -