This game is about different ways to gain a position of power/influence within pairs and in a group. Different role cards are set out for you to choose from.

  1. Choose a role card from the deck (ideally a character trait that feels unfamiliar / want to try out more).
  2. Choose a partner who doesn’t know you well. Decide who starts (Person A).
  3. 5 minutes. Person A engages in casual talk with B. Start out talking about your day today and take it from there. Person A plays the role as described on the card - better overdo it than underdo it. Person B remains their usual self.
  4. Short Debrief (in this order)
    1. how would Person B describe the ways in which A gained influence?
    2. how did A feel playing this role? was the goal of the card attained?
    3. how did B feel about the space that A took, the power/influence they had? Did they enjoy A’s presence and influence, or did they resist it?
  5. Change roles. 5 minutes
  6. Debrief once more.
  7. Both partners have now seen their counterpart playing out a character trait that gives them power. Now, for the third and final round, both play their character at the same time, trying to gain the upper hand. Decide who has won, and why. 5 minutes

Important: As you’re playing, the urge may come up to add other conversational strategies that you know. But try and focus solely on the actions described in your role to see how they pan out.

Character cards

The emotional listener

Your goal is to give space, let the other person unfold their story.

Be scarce with words. You may ask questions but be sure not to guide your counterpart. If anything, you are gently nudging them where they want to go in their story.

Where you would want to use words, try humming and appreciative sounds showing that you understand and are listening. React with the relevant emotions - surprise, awe, tension, laughter - and be genuine about them.

Use your body to show your interest (nod, lean in, mirror your counterpart’s body postures.)

Where relevant, feed in some personal facts that support the other person’s story.

Example phrases:

Hm, I’ve been there.