Object Labels & Revisions

<aside> 💡 This content applies to IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.5.3 and later. For previous versions, see Object Labels & Revisions. As of 3.6.0, "snapshots" are called "revisions", and the "Create Revision" action also saves the UX metadata.


How do you track and compare object revisions?

In the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform, the metadata for objects is tracked. Modifications to objects are captured in object revisions. These object revisions can be easily compared in the object's builder so that you can see differences between the revisions. In addition to revisioning capabilities, objects contain identifiers called object labels. The process of identifying the objects is called object labeling, and object labels are managed in the Object Label Manager.

One benefit of identifying objects and tracking revisions to the objects is that it is easier to target and compare the updates that IBM makes to objects in new versions of IBM TRIRIGA applications with the changes that customers make to the objects (or changes that services teams make on the customers' behalf). The process of identifying objects and tracking object revisions will aid in upgrading your IBM TRIRIGA applications.

Due to the revisioning and object labeling capabilities, you no longer have to copy and rename as-shipped IBM TRIRIGA objects, for example, triForm to cstForm, to modify them. You can modify the actual as-shipped IBM TRIRIGA objects to suit your business needs. An object revision is created at the Save or Publish or Create Revision state depending on the object type.

This wiki describes how to use the revisioning and object labeling capabilities. After you read this content and have a basic understanding of how to work with revisioning and object labeling, the more important piece is to follow the updated object naming conventions and Best Practices for Application Upgrade. For more information, see Object Labels & Revisions.

If you renamed and modified as-shipped TRIRIGA objects to suit your business needs, consider converting those objects to their original as-shipped TRIRIGA object names. The conversion process preserves your object modifications and enables you to use the object revisioning capabilities in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.5.3 and later. When you make future modifications to the objects, the modifications are saved in revisions of the objects. Ultimately, the object revisioning and object labeling capabilities aid in the future upgrade of your TRIRIGA applications. For more information, see the Best Practices for Object Conversion.

1. Revisions Overview (Under Construction)

2. Revisions to Business Objects (Under Construction)