Responsibilities: Lead Designer, Design System & Front-End development

Client: 2013

Tools: Wireframing, Whiteboards & Photoshop

Table of Contents:

About the Product:

When a company hires a new employee or an old piece of technology needs to be upgraded or replaced, the IT has to do a lot more than drop the hardware off. This process includes procurement, setup, delivery as well as secure disposal at the end of its life. Additionally, it includes every touchpoint for the product including hardware repairs, replacement or new software is installed. For many companies, this task is simply overwhelming, troublesome and simply out of a companies scope or interests. This is why IT departments are outsourced, this is where CompuCom shines.

"Track Information Technology 2.0" was a tool for tracking the lifecycle of a physical piece of hardware as well as managing all aspects of that hardware. At the ITO Productivity Solutions team, we were tasked with building an end-to-end solution.

Research & User Testing
