When it comes to looking after ourselves, what works for some may not work for others. We all have our own self-care preferences. This page includes some tips and ideas for staying well at work and beyond.

<aside> 🎮 A big theme of this page is control. You taking control over how work fits into life is central to Our Approach To Flexible Working. We know that many of you will have other responsibilities which will impact this, but know that this is what we’re striving for here.


Set Boundaries When WFH 🚷

Whilst working from home can help you feel control over how work fits into life and be productive, it also comes with many pitfalls. Setting boundaries can help you find better balance and create a healthier working from home routine.

Recharge Your Batteries 🔋

📣 Rest is not a reward 📣 it’s essential. Don’t let it get to the point that you’re completely burnt out before you decide it’s time to recharge.

Create A Great Home Office Set-Up 🪴

We know not everyone will have the luxury of a separate home office. You may need to work from your dining room table or put up a desk in your bedroom each morning. But whatever it looks like, we encourage you to invest some time in setting this up.