

Script Examples

Start a main pane with other panes

+                                                                      +
+                                                                      +
+                                  main                                +
+                                                                      +
+                                                                      +
+                                                                      +
+           a         +           b           +            c           +   
tmux new-session -d -s sessionName; \\
tmux split-window -v; \\
tmux send-keys "echo a" Enter; \\
tmux split-window -v; \\
tmux send-keys "echo b" Enter; \\
tmux split-window -v; \\
tmux send-keys "echo c" Enter; \\
tmux select-layout main-horizontal; \\
tmux select-pane -t 0; \\
tmux a;

Start there same size panes

tmux new-session -d -s sessionName; \\
tmux send-keys "echo a" Enter; \\
tmux split-window -v; \\
tmux send-keys "echo b" Enter; \\
tmux split-window -v; \\
tmux send-keys "echo c" Enter; \\
tmux select-layout even-horizontal; \\
tmux a;


# Layouts
tmux select-layout main-vertical
tmux select-layout main-horizontal 
tmux select-layout even-vertical
tmux select-layout even-horizontal

# Enable pane border labels
tmux set pane-border-status top

#Enable Mouse
tmux set mouse on

Oh my tmux

Do not forget to source your config file via:

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf.local