<aside> 💡 This is a collection of ticket templates to be used for GitHub, Gitlab, Jira and any other ticket based software tracking system.


✨ Feature Request

## What we want


## Why we want it


## Definition of Done


## Links


🐛 Bug Report

## Actual Behaviour


## Expected Behaviour


## Specifications / Setup

- commit-id
- local environment
- ...

## Relevant logs, screenshots, gifs


## Steps to reproduce


## Ideas where it might come from


⬇️ Pull Request

closes # ...

## What I did and why


## What I also did (but not officially part of the ticket)


## What to check (but please come up with other checks as well)


## Other comments


Made with ❤️ in Heilbronn by Ludwig, featured by Notion and Frutionsite. Like what you see? Consider supporting me and checkout my other products & projects.