
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/9f95d413-2a08-4cd7-85a2-c02acd987703/report.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/9f95d413-2a08-4cd7-85a2-c02acd987703/report.png" width="40px" /> The Runtime Detail card displays high resolution (5-minute) historical runtime data. It combines the data from the ecobee Home IQ System and Schedule sections into one fast and easy-to-use chart. Additional features like custom date ranges, informational tooltips, and fractional degrees make this a powerful tool for keeping an eye on the daily health of your HVAC system.




<aside> 💡 Sometimes you may see blanks or missing data on this chart. This can happen if your thermostat reboots or loses it’s Internet connection. Also, if ecobee is missing the outdoor weather beestat currently ignores the entire data point.



Comfort Profile

The active comfort profile. Can be one of Home, Away, Smart Home, Smart Away, Smart Recovery, Hold, Vacation, Quick Save, Other, or your own custom one.


Whether or not the heat or AC is running.


Whether or not the fan is running. If the ecobee does not control your fan, this is an interpreted value and is on if your heat, air, or any accessory is running.


Whether or not your accessory (humidifier, dehumidifier, economizer, ventilator) is running.

Temperature & Humidity

Indoor Temperature

The current average indoor temperature; whatever is normally displayed on the front of your ecobee.

Outdoor Temperature