Date: December 17, 2020

Topic: Thermodynamic potentials


Give the definition of enthalpy

Write an expression for the differential of the enthalpy

Explain which thermodynamic variables are related to the derivatives of the enthalpy

Give the Maxwell relation that can be derived based on the definition of the enthalpy

Define the Helmholtz free energy

Write the differential of the Helmholtz free energy

Which thermodynamic variables are related to the derivatives of the Helmholtz free energy

Give the Maxwell relation that can be derived based on the definition of F

Define the Gibbs free energy, G

Write the differential of the Gibbs free energy

Which thermodynamic variables are related to the derivatives of the G

Give the Maxwell relation that can be derived based on the definition G


The enthalpy is defined as:

<aside> 💡 $H = E + PV$


We can thus write the differential of the enthalpy as:

$\begin{aligned}\textrm{d}H & = \textrm{d}E + P\textrm{d}V + V\textrm{d}P = T\textrm{d}S - P\textrm{d}V + \mu \textrm{d}N + P\textrm{d}V + V\textrm{d}P \\& = T\textrm{d}S + \mu \textrm{d}N + V\textrm{d}P\end{aligned}$In the second step above we insert the result for dE that we obtained by combining the first and second laws.

Enthalpy is an exact differential so we can write:

$\textrm{d}H =\left( \frac{ \partial H }{\partial S} \right){P,N} \textrm{d}S + \left( \frac{ \partial H }{\partial P} \right){S,N} \textrm{d}P + \left( \frac{ \partial H }{\partial N} \right)_{P,S} \textrm{d}N$

Equating coefficients in these two expressions gives:

$T = \left( \frac{ \partial H}{\partial S} \right){P,N} \qquad V = \left( \frac{ \partial H}{\partial P} \right){S,N} \qquad \mu = \left( \frac{ \partial H }{\partial N} \right)_{P,S}$

Equality of second, crossed derivatives gives:

$\left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial P} \right){S,N} = \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial S} \right){P,N}$

Helmholtz free energy

The Helmholtz free energy is defined as:

<aside> 💡 $F= E - TS$


We can thus write the differential of the Helmholtz free energy as:

$\begin{aligned}\textrm{d}F & = \textrm{d}E - T\textrm{d}S - S\textrm{d}T = T\textrm{d}S - P\textrm{d}V + \mu \textrm{d}N - T\textrm{d}S - S\textrm{d}T \\& = - P\textrm{d}V + \mu \textrm{d}N - S\textrm{d}T\end{aligned}$In the second step above we insert the result for dE that we obtained by combining the first and second laws.

Helmholtz free energy is an exact differential so we can write:

$\textrm{d}F =\left( \frac{ \partial F }{\partial T} \right){V,N} \textrm{d}T + \left( \frac{ \partial F }{\partial V} \right){T,N} \textrm{d}V + \left( \frac{ \partial F }{\partial N} \right)_{V,T} \textrm{d}N$

Equating coefficients in these two expressions gives:

$S = -\left( \frac{ \partial F}{\partial T} \right){V,N} \qquad P = -\left( \frac{ \partial F}{\partial V} \right){T,N} \qquad \mu = \left( \frac{ \partial F }{\partial N} \right)_{V,T}$

Equality of second, crossed derivatives gives:

$\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial T} \right){V,N} = \left(\frac{\partial S}{\partial V} \right){T,N}$

Gibbs free energy

The Gibbs free energy is defined as:

<aside> 💡 $G = H - TS$


We can thus write the differential of the Gibbs free energy as:

$\begin{aligned}\textrm{d}G & = \textrm{d}H - T\textrm{d}S - S\textrm{d}T = T\textrm{d}S + V\textrm{d}P + \mu \textrm{d}N - T\textrm{d}S - S\textrm{d}T \\& = V\textrm{d}P + \mu \textrm{d}N - S\textrm{d}T\end{aligned}$In the second step above we insert the result for dH that we obtained when we considered the entropy

Gibbs free energy is an exact differential so we can write:

$\textrm{d}G =\left( \frac{ \partial G }{\partial T} \right){P,N} \textrm{d}T + \left( \frac{ \partial G }{\partial P} \right){T,N} \textrm{d}V + \left( \frac{ \partial G }{\partial N} \right)_{P,T} \textrm{d}N$

Equating coefficients in these two expressions gives:

$S = -\left( \frac{ \partial G}{\partial T} \right){P,N} \qquad V = \left( \frac{ \partial G}{\partial P} \right){T,N} \qquad \mu = \left( \frac{ \partial G }{\partial N} \right)_{P,T}$

Equality of second, crossed derivatives gives:

$\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T} \right){P,N} = -\left(\frac{\partial S}{\partial P} \right){T,N}$

<aside> 📌 SUMMARY: We introduce reservoirs so that we can understand the behaviours of systems at constant pressure and constant temperature. New extensive thermodynamic variables that are known as thermodynamic potentials are required to understand systems in contact with reservoirs.
