Whether you're looking at a simple If/Then rule, or putting together what belongs in the Action cells of a decision table, we often get questions on what actions you can take when the Conditions are true. Let's take a look at the Actions currently available in Modern Logic

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Change Workflow Outcome

Every time a workflow runs, it returns an Outcome (Approve, Reject, Investigate) as well as any optional Custom variables. By default, your workflow will return an Approve outcome, unless an Action cell with Reject or Investigate runs.

When you call Reject or Investigate, the Workflow will stop executing immediately. Investigate outcomes create alerts that land in the Inbox tab for triage.

Any time you call Reject or Investigate you'll need to provide a reason string, to make it easier for other folks on your team to understand what's happening. For example:

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Set Custom Variables

Many workflows involve calculating variables, for example risk scores, risk tiers, or interest rates. You can simply type a new variable name and set it equal to a string, number, or boolean (true/false).

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This variable will then be available under autocomplete to use in subsequent rules. You can even change the variable value in future rules, for example to increase a score set previously.

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Breakout to new path

You can jump to other branches of a workflow using a breakout rule.

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You can create a new breakout rules by either dragging new logic blocks onto the graph below the default path, or by adding the breakout keyword to the Then/Action cell of one of your rules

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