Christopher Murphy · 1 November, 2020

I'm working on a set of core themes that will help ground my writing as I develop The School of Design's journal . In the past – writing at The Standardistas and Tiny Books – I spent some time upfront establishing a low friction editorial policy for focus.

The School of Design is a new venture so I’m thinking through the content strategy here. (I have a slide deck that explains this, which I’ll add to The Library shortly.)

For the first time in a long time, I'm excited about the future. I'm looking forward to writing again, sharing my thoughts a little more widely and making the connections that writing inevitably uncovers.

I wouldn't normally share this kind of document, but I'm teaching a number of different courses which have content marketing elements so I thought it would be beneficial for others to see.


At a high level, these are the themes around which I plan to write. They'll form the backbone of the content for my website, newsletter and social channels:

I've taken the above themes and broken them down into a set of indicative content below, with sample essay titles and summaries. On reading this, you should get a feel for the kind of content I'll cover.

Finally, I believed this when I wrote 'Start!' and – in the midst of a pandemic that is rewriting the rules of the world – I believe this even more forcefully. Brands that are driven by purpose and meaning will ripple out everywhere.

They will survive and ride out the storm.


This is thought-provoking reading: I hope that essays that will challenge the reader. In terms of the level of the reading, amongst others, these – design × business × life – publications feel right: