Creating value for customers is at the heart of what we do. The following ideas are aims at improving the velocity at which we can add value to our product and processes. While originally drafted for engineering teams, we believe most of the ideas work just as well when applied to non-technical roles.

Fix problems while they’re small

A common rule we should always try to heed is to detect and fix any problem at the lowest-value stage possible.


We care about working on the right things, not doing more than needed, and not duplicating work. This enables us to achieve more progress which makes our work more fulfilling.

Write a Pitch

Whenever you feel compelled to call a meeting or otherwise interrupt your team members, consider writing a pitch instead:

Write a Pitch If you need to decide something as a team, make a Pitch instead of calling a meeting to get everyone’s input. A written Pitch will be a much more effective use of everyone’s time. The people that receive the proposal should not feel left out; the person making it should not feel bad if a completely different proposal is implemented. Don’t let your ego be involved early or see your solution implemented stand in the way of achieving the best outcome.

The concrete is still wet. Everything is in “draft” at White Rabbit and subject to change, although we rarely put “draft” on any content or pitches.

See If it’s important, write it up


Work as part of the community Small iteration makes it easier to work with the wider community. Their work looks more like our work, and our work is quicker to give feedback too.