The SaaS SEO MBA is a collection of the internet's best resources on SEO for SaaS companies.

Covering a broad range of advanced-level concepts and frameworks, these resources are meant to be a comprehensive curriculum on everything you need to know about SEO for SaaS companies.

All told, these resources cover about a decade’s worth of SEO knowledge in a day of reading. You’ll find topics like technical SEO, strategy, keyword selection, content planning, linkbuilding, and more.

It's a modern MBA for SaaS marketers.

Class is in session.

Website Setup & Architecture

The foundation of all SEO is a combination of technical factors and site architecture. Ensuring that your website is properly setup to be indexed and that you have the right content to maximize your potential search visibility is key.

These resources provide a deep dive into each of these considerations.

1. Technical SEO Guide for SaaS

Technical SEO for SaaS - Credo

Credo's guide to technical SEO is a thorough breakdown of the technical specifications you need for your SaaS website to rank well.

2. SaaS Authority Website Architecture

Best Practices For A SaaS Website | Powered by Search

Dev's breakdown of SaaS website best practices is a deep and actionable look at which types of content your website needs to maximize search footprint. It breaks down the ideal website architecture, content hierarchy, and other critical considerations for successful SEO.

Jump straight into the B2B SaaS Authority Website Architecture site map.

SaaS Strategy & Frameworks

Next, let's do a deep dive into building a SaaS SEO strategy, how to align it with other parts of the business model, and a bit of high-level thinking around why SEO is so essential as a core business strategy.

3. Building a Full-Funnel SaaS SEO Strategy