Every time you commute to work, shop for groceries, browse the internet, or even stroll through the park, chances are you’ve revealed information like how probable you are to commit a crime, who you spend time with, your nervous walking behavior, and more.

Governments and private entities employ smart technologies hidden within our cities and websites. Often without our consent, let alone awareness, these technologies make our cities and the internet literal ’living laboratories’.

In this four-part writing piece, you’ll learn about privacy and how we can raise awareness about it.

**Part 1 - The Privacy Illusion** Why is ‘privacy’ problematic?

Part 2 - Defining the Indefinable What is privacy, how have we measured it in the past, and how we might measure it in the future? **

**Part 3 - The Art of Visual Simplicity** An overview of existing visual communication systems and what we can learn from them.

**Part 4 - Crafting a Universal Privacy System** A summary of how we developed a visual, universal privacy language based on research insights.

Part 1

The Privacy Illusion
