
I am passionate about building the People Tech & Analytics space and have spent the last 6 years of my life leveraging Tech to solve People related business problems.

This is my personal blog where I do three things:

  1. Post about all the cool tech products in the People tech space today
  2. Write about my learnings on my journey so far
  3. Curate all the jobs in India related to People/HR Tech, Digitisation & Analytics

<aside> 💡 Feel free to mail me at [email protected] or add me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ranaq


🖥 Cool People Tech Products

<aside> 💡 Products you can use at your organisation to solve people problems


HRIS Tools

WFH Tools

Productivity Tools

📚 My Blog

My Writings

Interesting Articles

🔥 Open Positions

<aside> 💡 I have curated these positions from the publicly available job board and have no affiliation with these companies. If you are looking for roles in this field, feel free to follow these links and apply.


People Analytics