
The Next Right Thing for me (Willy)

My Transport Footprint

Living in Devon, use of my car brings with it a lot of freedom and opportunities, specifically for me this involves being able to live 25 miles away from my work, being able to drive back to Milton Keynes to visit family (when the train is too expensive), and to explore the beaches, hills and other sites of Devon. The problem is that between my partner and I, our car use as a carbon footprint of 4 tonnes of CO2 each year.

<aside> 👉 THE NEXT RIGHT THING - Sign up to Eco-Cars in Totnes for £25 and have a first drive in an electric car


The Water Crisis

Scientists and the media talk about there being a looming water crisis in the years ahead of us. Billions of people don’t have easy access to clean drinking water and yet I poo in it every day. That’s started to feel a bit weird.

<aside> 👉 THE NEXT RIGHT THING - Whenever available I always poo in a compost toilet 🙂
