The metadata database runs on a python:3.8 based docker container that features the ethoscope_metadata_server package (github).

Create and run the container

How to use

Point to your server’s address (in our case it’s ) and upload your metadata files by drag&drop in the top box. Allowed formats are comma-separated csv and tab-separated tsv. The former is preferred. Add a project name. Multiple metadata files can be filed under the same project name. If the metadata is associated to a published work, you may add the DOI reference too. Fill in information about the authors and add as many tags as you can think of: a tag could be the genotype of the animals, a treatment, age conditions, etc. Finally, add a verbose description and click on the save icon.


You should now see your metadata appear under its own project label in the Browse tab. If it does not, just refresh the page. Next to every metadata file name, you will see two little action icons: edit (not yet implemented) and delete. They do what their name suggests.


Select the metadata file from the dropdown and it will open a browser table with the information related to the file, like the one below. The first time you upload a file, you will need to associate its record with the available databases. To do that, just click on the refresh icon (the two round arrows). That will take a few seconds and after it’s done it will give you information on how many db files were found / not found and what is their size. You can also download those lists.
