1. The little book of Index Investing —> Another book worth trying
  2. Benjamin Graham was an active client to these folks
  3. "Buy stocks as you would buy groceries - when they are on sale" — Christopher Browne
  4. You need to invest but you don't need to be a genius to do it smartly

Buy Stocks Like Steaks ... On Sale

  1. When many research reports say "Hold", they actually mean to "Sell". Most of the reports are being polite
  2. Efficient market hypothesis —> Says market is rational, there are no 'cheap' or 'rich' stocks, so value investing don't make sense
  3. "The Super Investors of Graham And Doddsville" —> Buffet speech on reasoning the importance of value investing and saying how it's not luck based(Check Youtube)

What's it Worth? — Think like a banker

  1. Momentum Investing —> Buying during bear market believing that we know when to exit
  2. "King is wearing no clothes syndrome" —> Too afraid to realize the truth, believing what we want to believe (Read the story from net)
  3. Revaluing overpriced stocks —> permanent capital loss
  4. How to determine intrinsic value —> Appraisal method & statistics, financial ratios

Belts and Suspenders for Stocks

  1. If it's worth X, we need to buy it for less than X. Like a loan collateral
  2. Buy stocks which are trading at 2/3rd or less than it's intrinsic value
  3. Check companies that has less debt compared to net worth as they won't vanish during recession
  4. Negative event surprises —> Importance of diversification
  5. When stocks are cheap —> No one buys them, you buy them. When they rise and become expensive (exceeding intrinsic value), they get news coverage and everyone buys them, now you sell them

Buy Earnings On the Cheap