
🌐 Server Pages

Discord Chat Ruleset

Ranking System

Eligibility Check

The King's Shop

<aside> 👋🏼 With our hosts you will find reliable games that you can plan ahead for and make new friends in. I record our games to ensure the members share our mission for a long-term, reliable, friendly and trustworthy community. Welcome to your source of HOI IV games!

Everything you may want to know about our club and Discord Server should be found on this page. Enjoy! 😎

To those who are new, you can join scheduled games by completing the Eligibility Check.


<aside> ⭐ Best to bookmark this page on your web browser. That way you will never miss a scheduled HOI IV game.



Scheduled Games

📺 Weekly WW2 Video In Real Time

July 18-25, 1941 - Operation Barbarossa - A Wehrmacht Soap Opera


Historical Timeline

World War Two

TimeGhost is creating Online Historical Documentaries | Patreon

Finished Games with Videos