The Hackathon Playbook

A hackathon is an event that brings together experts and creates a collaborative environment for solving a certain problem. This playbook is focused on data-driven, technical hackathons that aim to produce novel digital tools and prototypes, rather than non-technical events, such as those hosted by Policy Lab, which focus on ideation and systems thinking.

These hackathons should focus on bringing together data and expertise from within and across departments, linking together disparate datasets in novel ways to generate impactive insights or identify opportunities to improve government through technology and automation.

This playbook walks you through the key steps in running a hackathon. It is a set of guidelines/patterns that have proved effective, so feel free to vary according to your needs!

<aside> ⚠️ Do I really need a hackathon? Before you start planning, make sure a hackathon is the right answer to your challenge: they are open, collaborative events, that aim to rapidly crowd-source technical solutions to a specific theme or question. Do you have a narrow question (such as linking two datasets or forecasting an outcome), or a digital solution already in mind (like a new digital platform for your staff)? Consider a sprint or project instead! As a rule of thumb, if you already have a good idea what your winning entry might look like, then a hackathon probably isn’t the most effective way of getting to it


Master Checklist

In a rush? Make sure you have the below done!

<aside> 🔥 We’ve found a strong panel of senior judges and well laid out venue for your event are those tasks that are most crucial to do early: no matter how exciting your theme is, you’re not going to find a room for a hundred participants to hack in or be able to book a minister for an afternoon of judging if you ask from one week to the next! Make sure secure a spacious venue with a layout that suits your participants, and a mix of technical participants with the senior and technical “oomph” to judge and energise as early as you can.


Before the Event