Why is there a Coherence extension?

The Coherence extension was first introduced in Coherence X, and is automatically included in every Coherence app by default. Because Coherence apps are based on third-party browsers, the Coherence extension enables us to add additional functionality that would not otherwise be possible.

The extension is lightweight, offline, and private. We do not see any of your browsing activity ever.

How to use the Coherence extension


To access the Coherence extension, open a new tab by pushing ⌘T. You should see the Coherence extension in the extension section of the window.


Within the Coherence extension, you can do the following:

How to disable the Coherence extension

You can turn off the auto-install of the Coherence extension within your Coherence apps by going to Preferences within Coherence and deselecting Automatically include Coherence extension.

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