I wrote for The California Aggie's Science and Technology desk and produced 16 articles. I interviewed researchers and graduate students on their projects and how their incredible scientific work may improve our lives in a variety of ways.

After a year of working as a Journalist, I transitioned to the role of a Copy Reader and proofread around 15 articles every week.

The full list of my articles can be found on my timeline.

My favorite articles:

Synestia: more than a “hot space donut”

Published June 11, 2017.

A planetary object discovered by UC Davis researchers may change the presumed history of how the moon was formed.

Improv-ing your communication skills

Published Mar 19, 2018.

MASH* star Alan Alda held a crash course in improv for UC Davis scientists to improve their communication skills with the public.

Creating the perfect peck of peppers

Published Feb 20, 2018.

A UC Davis peppers project creates new types of peppers and opens the doors to new vegetable products.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Check out more incredible articles from this student-run organization.
