
Main Idea: Summer Camp Survival Guide

After reflecting, I would like to do my prokec sleep away camp may have more that I could do in terms of illustration and I think I can make it generally about the difficulties in trying to acclimate to a new environment. So many of the skills that I acquired at my camp got me though moving away from home, and were pretty seminal in helping me get use to an environment. I would like that to be a constant theme throughout my book.

Written Outline of Guide (1)

Guiding Characteristics



Look & Feel


Visual Inspirations:

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I think a core component about my book will also be weaving together different messages. First and foremost is the directional part, but there is also a personal portion that I want to weave in. I always find that when I am going through a new experience, I like to know that someone knows that feeling. I think by weaving in personal anecdotes, or images of letters etc. I was really inspired by this 1960s guidebook for creating clothes, mostly in how they use notation. There are clear things that are emphasized and called out - almost like it has been pre-loved and someone jotted down their notes inside of it. I might want to incorporate this method into my visual system as a way to manage the different elements I want to encompass.

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Typographic Explorations

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