Below are online resources for testing preparation for the AASA, AZSCI, ASPIRE, and ACT. These resources serve a tool to implement practices for student preparation regarding state testing. They 100% mimic the actual tests and therefore, students must bring their devices when taking them: However, teachers can also project them to make some of the deployment strategies below more useful.

Deployment Domain Strategies

Research shows that there are four domains that generally assist students and teachers in high-stakes test preparation. However, they are weighted differently which should be acknowledged. This list below is ranked order.

AASA (6th - 8th Grades)

The Arizona Academic Standards Assessment (AASA) tests 6-8 graders on reading, writing, and mathematics.

Sample Tests

These are identical to student experience on exam dates - be sure to have students bring their devices or project to the board to facilitate the strategies above


  2. Click “Mic Check and Sample Tests”


  3. Select the appropriate exam