built by

Alteryx Community




Hanna Nykowska


[email protected]


This macro checks if the join was 1:1 (without duplication of data). It is based on the number of records of the data coming into and out of the join tool.

As it was built with a simple check in mind and to make sure it won’t affect much the performance, it only indicates if the output J anchor has a different number of records than expected (with information if it’s the left or the right input that is being duplicated).

It will not specify why the records are duplicated, but it’s a great place to indicate which join tool should be investigated.

How to Install

Once you are on the Test 1-1 Join page on Alteryx Gallery (here) download the macro with the Download button. It will download as a packaged workflow (.yxzp).


Move the Test+1-1+Join.yxzp file into a location that you have mapped in Macros section in user settings, for example:


Then double-click on the file. Alteryx should prompt you to import the package.

Click Yes → Import → Yes. At this point, you will probably see the window for Workflow Dependencies with errors for Count Records macro. Click on OK. (These errors will not affect the new macro and can be ignored.)

The macro will open up, you can close the workflow tab with it. If you check Developer category, Test 1-1 Join should be there!

(If you can't find it straight away, try restarting Alteryx.)

The .yxzp file is no longer needed, so feel free to delete it.