Salt air, and the rust on your door I never needed anything more Whispers of "Are you sure?" "Never have I ever before"

Taylor Swift , August

$$ \substack{ \color{A0522D}\Huge\mathbb{\ \ july, 2021} } $$

<aside> 🌲 n a v i g a t i o n


n o t e s

I think I've seen this film before [ s h o w s & m o v i e s ]

where I used to read [ l i b r a r y ]

I did pour the whiskey [ b r a i n d u m p ]

<aside> 🌿 t o d o


<aside> 🕊️ r e m i n d e r


$$ \substack{ \color{A0522D}\Huge\mathbb{\ \ ACADEMIA} } $$

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$$ \substack{ \color{A0522D}\Huge\mathbb{\ \ calendar} } $$


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