<aside> ‼️ Mindmaps at the bottom. Haven't made a mindmap since elementary school, but I tried.


Below you will find further explanations on the different databases. There is 1 formula that is not thoroughly explained - the overtime formula in the Calendar. I'm hoping to break it down in a video in the future, and then i'll add that in here as well - but as of now my brain was just a little tired.

<aside> 💬 Feel like something is missing or you want further inspiration? I have a bunch of other examples and templates available here.


This template is made with the purpose of giving ideas and maybe helping people with their set-ups. You can copy this and use it as is, that's fine too - but i've purposely explained the different formulas, the different relations and rollups and explained briefly why I decided to have those relations and rollups in hopes that almost anyone can find something here that could be an addition to their set-up. And if you do use the entire thing, you'll always have this to refer back to if you want to adapt your set-up as you grow and change.

You can pick it apart and use only some of the databases, you can use all of it, you can use none of them but copy some formulas, or you can just study the formulas or relations. Whatever you want. I'm hoping there'll be something to take from this template for most of you.

All Databases, Relations & Rollups and Formulas Explained

Alternative Templates

<aside> 📌 These are some alternatives for things already in this template.



<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/986fae4d-e66e-457b-afa7-430b8bf3ab59/YOUTUBE.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/986fae4d-e66e-457b-afa7-430b8bf3ab59/YOUTUBE.png" width="40px" /> I have a YouTube channel if you're interested in video tutorials.


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/841c3bc7-a543-469b-900e-479e7e5ca284/kofi.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/841c3bc7-a543-469b-900e-479e7e5ca284/kofi.png" width="40px" /> I do also have a lil ko-fi if you want to buy me a cup of hot chocolate.
