
Intro text goes here

Why grow xxx

I use a rating system to help me decide what to grow and it considers lots of factors, but the main ones are how tasty it is, healthy it is to eat, how expensive it is to buy, how big it's harvest is, when it's harvest period is and whether I can buy it organically and if not how much it's sprayed.

Suitability for different growing environments


Sowing and harvesting periods

<aside> 💡 For more details on the model that I use for describing harvest periods (first earlies, second earlies etc) please see the chapter on my growing framework


First earlies

Second earlies

Early main crop

Main crop

Late crop

Recommended varieties

How to sow

How to prick out/pot on

For more details on how I sow seeds and all of the products I use, see my guide to sowing.