Learning resources




  1. Only use "we", "our" for recommendations.

    -We expose a `disableRipple` prop to remove the ripple.
    +The button exposes a `disableRipple` prop to remove the ripple.
  2. Sentence case, the upper case is the first letter of the title, not the others (per Capitalization) e.g.:

    -## Customization Demos
    +## Customization demos
  3. The name of a component in the header is in the singular when possible, e.g.:

    -## Buttons size
    +## Button size
  4. Boolean props should be in the present tense. (https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/pull/23274). e.g.:

    -If `true`, the accordion will be displayed in a disabled state.
    +If `true`, the accordion is displayed in a disabled state.
  5. In the context of React: “properties” → “props”. In other contexts, use “properties”.

  6. HTML “attribute” ≠ “property”.

  7. When linking pages:

  8. Over time, pages might grow up to the point of being overwhelming. Split a page when at least one of these conditions is true:

    1. over 10k pixels
    2. the TOC has a scrollbar (on a 13” screen)
    3. the feature is important “enough” on its own.