Gatherly generally works on strong internet connections on laptops/desktops with Chrome. The most common pitfalls are slow bandwidth, using mobile, not using Chrome. To see more detailed specifications see below:

Hardware 🖥️

System Requirements

Screen Size: Gatherly is only intended to function on desktops and laptops with a browser window size of at least 650px by 493px.

Internet connection: Broadband wired or wireless connection.

Speakers: Built-in, USB plug-in, or wireless Bluetooth speakers.

Microphone: Built-in, USB plug-in, or wireless Bluetooth microphone.

Webcam: Built-in or USB plug-in camera.

Recommended Processor and RAM

Processor: Dual Core 2 GHz or higher (Intel i3 / i5 / i7, or AMD equivalent).

RAM: 4 GB or higher

Although Gatherly may still function for users with a processor or RAM that does not meet these recommendations, they may experience severe limitations to functionality.

Software 👩‍💻

Google Chrome

Version: 83+ Gatherly is only tested on recent Google Chrome releases. Although other Chromium-based browsers and older Chrome releases may be able to access the Gatherly platform, they are not officially supported.

Network 🌐

Recommended Bandwidth

Download: 10 Mbps or higher. Upload: 3 Mbps or higher. Although Gatherly may still function for users with bandwidth that does not meet these recommendations, they may experience increased load times and limited functionality.
