
The Dandelion Voting app is a fork of the Original Aragon Voting app. It serves the same purpose as the original Voting app but also enables organizations to restrict actions to members who have expressed approval in recent votes. It basically means that by voting yes on a proposal you are committing to a decision in the Org.

The main changes that have been implemented which differ from the original Voting app are:

External Contract Dependencies

The Dandelion Voting app relies on the following external contracts.

Audited External Contracts

import "@aragon/os/contracts/apps/AragonApp.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/common/IForwarder.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/acl/IACLOracle.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/lib/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "@aragon/os/contracts/lib/math/SafeMath64.sol";
import "@aragon/apps-shared-minime/contracts/MiniMeToken.sol";

These contracts have been audited by 3rd parties. Information on past Aragon audits can be found at the following locations:

Roles and Permissions

The Dandelion Voting app has the following roles:

bytes32 public constant CREATE_VOTES_ROLE = keccak256("CREATE_VOTES_ROLE");
bytes32 public constant MODIFY_SUPPORT_ROLE = keccak256("MODIFY_SUPPORT_ROLE");
bytes32 public constant MODIFY_QUORUM_ROLE = keccak256("MODIFY_QUORUM_ROLE");
bytes32 public constant MODIFY_BUFFER_BLOCKS_ROLE = keccak256("MODIFY_BUFFER_BLOCKS_ROLE");