Step 1

Choose the conference you want to attend and discuss with your manager. Your manager will approve deny your request and communicate to the Ops team.

Step 2

Submit a detailed budget with a line item for all anticipated costs (See Template Below) to @Clement Tam and your Manager for review. Your Manager and the Ops team will review and provide you with the approved maximum reimbursement for the entire conference. Make sure to include relevant links to conference, hotels etc. Once your budget has been approved, you may proceed to Step 3.

Budget Template:

Template_Conference Budget_V1_20190819.xlsx

*The file is in Excel Format. If you do not have Excel, you may use numbers or Google Sheets.

Step 3

Request access to the Company Travel Card to book approved expenses. After each booking, update the budget with the actual cost.

Step 4

Attend your conference

Step 5

Prepare a write up of what you learned and input your final expenses into the event budget and send the final budget to your Manager and the Ops team.