This Hackathon inspired us to build this project. As computer science students we thought it would be great if we could help fellow students access computer science resources like websites and YouTube videos to refer while coding and building projects.


The objective of this project is to help students who like computer science a platform to get resources which can help them in coding and building projects. Graphics,Voice and Text help provide seamless User Experience. We made a chat bot in discord, an Alexa Skill and a website to help students use text, voice to access resources and test their knowledge in computer science.

We have used:

We have used python for the development of the discord bot and the Alexa skill. We have also used HTML, CSS and Javascript for web designing.


We have three main features in our project:

  1. Discord Bot
  2. Alexa Skill
  3. Website


Discord is an instant messaging app that includes text messaging and voice chat. It allows the creation of servers, which can host communities and have thousands of people on them at once.

We wanted to create a Discord Bot that can be added to these servers, that automatically responds to queries relation to computer science.