1. Seven strategies for managing anxiety
  2. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever.
  3. Hybrid Learning is here to stay: the future of this model in K-12 schools
  4. How the pandemic has changed teachers’ commitment to remaining in the classroom
  5. Back in the classroom, teachers are finding pandemic tech has changed their jobs forever.

Seven strategies for managing anxiety

We wanted to look at the different effects that the COVID pandemic has had on teachers and how they now teach. So I started googling different things to do with this. One of the first articles I found was teachers dealing with COVID anxiety and teaching in this new way. He gives 7 tips that teachers can do to help reduce their anxiety

1. Manage your worries

2. Manage your information

3. Communication with friends and family

4. Shift your perspective

5. Establish a routine to beat isolation and loneliness

6. Manage relationships

7. Accept Uncertainty

Writing down your worries can help them become more manageable and  less overwhelming

Analyse the evidence for and against the worry

Do some problem solving to help decide where you are able to take action

Allocate, and boundary, specific worry time so that you don’t worry throughout the day

Get enough sleep.

Choose your news sources carefully and ensure that they are trustworthy and reliable

The amount of news and information available can be overwhelming:

Allocate a time for catching up with news and information, rather than reviewing a constant drip feed

Limit the amount of time spent on news.

Limit the conversations or contact with people that make you more anxious.

Let close friends or family know if they do things that make you feel anxious.

Limit your consumption of social media, unfollow or mute people or groups that make you more anxious.

Talk things through with trusted friends and loved ones, tell them how you are feeling regularly.

Everything feels challenging at the moment and it is easy to start to catastrophise (think the worst case possible)

Notice negative thinking patterns – can they be challenged?

Identify positive things that have happened today to balance the negative thinking e.g. keep a gratitude diary.

The education profession is highly social and so in lockdown you may be particularly affected by the loss of connection with colleagues and students:

Get a routine to avoid bad habits and boredom which can increase anxiety and affect your mental health

Get up, get dressed and eat regularly

Schedule your day

Keep contact with friends and relatives regularly

Keep active and exercise regularly

Do something you never had time for before e.g. writing, gardening, photography etc

Relationships during lockdown will be challenging so acknowledge this

Plan family meetings

Anticipate conflict and agree how to manage it

Have a routine and structure for kids

Be honest with kids about what is going on and how you are feeling

Schedule screen time

Occupy kids and get their input on what activities they want to do

Reducing the need for certainty will reduce your worries. It is an uncertain world we live in all the time not just during this crisis.

It is ok to feel sad at the loss of your normal life and social interactions

It is ok to feel angry that you cannot see friends and family

Realising that your feelings are normal will help you accept them

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how

I found another article online that talks about how teaching has changed forever because of the COVID19 pandemic as many schools went online.

1.2 billion children in 186 countries affected by school closures due to the pandemic. In Denmark, children up to the age of 11 are returning to nurseries and schools after initially closing on 12 March, but in South Korea students are responding to roll calls from their teachers online.

There was already high growth and adoption in education technology, with global edtech investments reaching US$18.66 billion in 2019 and the overall market for online education projected to reach $350 Billion by 2025. Whether it is language appsvirtual tutoringvideo conferencing tools, or online learning software,