Graphics Engineer @ MURAL

I am a belgian / argentinian software engineer with hands-on experience with both web and mobile building technologies specialized in user centered design and high performant interactive applications. I am accustomed to building web experiences from scratch and leading small teams. Always looking for new challenges to develop my skills to create seamless experiences for users in all types of interactions with technology. Currently I'm looking into the nitty gritty of Web Rendering, Video Game Engine Design and XR Tech.

📧 [email protected]

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🧑‍💻 Work Experience (7+ Years)

Sr. Rendering Engineer @ MURAL

A digital workspace for visual collaboration.

Technologies: Typescript, Canvas2D, PDFkit, Docker, React, Jest, CucumberJs, BashScript, WebWorkers

Assistant Professor @ ITBA (Buenos Aires Institute of Technology)

(May 2021 - Present)

(Aug 2020 - Present)

Software Engineer @ Tienda Dólar / Tienda Crypto (YC W20)

A digital currency exchange platform aimed at democratizing finances in LATAM. Second and current inhouse project with Bytelime team.

(Feb 2019 - May 2021)

Technologies: Typescript, Angular, NodeJS+Express, NestJS, Mongo/Redis, Jest, AWS, Serverless (AWS Lambda), Java

FullStack Developer @ Cryptocup

An NFT blockchain game for sport events. First inhouse project with Bytelime.

(Mar 2018 - Sept 2019)

Technologies: Typescript, Angular, NodeJS+Express, MongoDB, Ethereum blockchain technologies (Solidity + Web3), AWS

FrontEnd Developer @ Bytelime Software Factory

A software factory based in Buenos Aires where i worked on multiple projects in defining the scope and providing UX design and implementation.

LALA Love Art

An artist funding website developed using Angular and GoLang technologies.

Little India

A webapp for cataloging and showing merchandise in a retail store made using JQuery and then migrated to Angular.

Lex Doctor

A webapp for viewing the company's legal database made with JQuery and Bootstrap.

(May 2016 - Mar 2018)

Technologies: JQuery, Bootstrap, Angular, SASS, Typescript

Lead Developer @ Gerät Apertura Remota

Created an IOT solution, cloud-managed, that prevents theft and robbery in retail stores.


(Jul 2016 - Sep 2017)

Technologies: Arduino, C, JQuery and Bootstrap, Express + MongoDB

🛠 Skills