Sparrow's "My Tasks" section allows you to view and manage your personal to-do list, as well as assign your team members certain tasks. This allows you to keep track of all the the moving pieces of concert marketing in a single, coordinated way.

Task Overview

Task Submenu

Once you select "My Tasks" from the main navigation, you will see your personal profile, along with 4 default submenu "tabs". See it in action »

The submenus are as follows:


Created Tasks

Task Groups

Admin Tools

<aside> ⭐ Tip: Looking to see all the tasks for one specific show? Navigate to that show in the "Shows" section and click the "Admin" tab to see all the tasks associated with that show. Clicking into a task goes to it's details page.


Managing Your Tasks

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Navigating to "My Tasks" in the main navigation brings you directly to your personalized task list. Here, you will see all upcoming tasks in a convenient "Kanban" style card view (similar to Trello if you've ever used it). This allows you to see quick information — such as task name, show information, & due dates — at a glance while sorting what is in your backlog versus in progress versus done.