We have task that can be completed every 1-3 days, and Seasonal. These will grant awards upon completion.


<aside> 💡 You may access this menu by typing /task.


Receiving task to complete You may receive an Easy, Medium, or Hard task by simply claiming them.

Alternatively, you can win all three tiered tasks via the Vote Crate, Prestige Crate, Rare Crate, Soulcore Crate, and the newly added Task Crate.

Completing task Completing a task will grant rewards depending on the Difficulty of the task. Here's a list of the rewards for each tier:

Seasonal Task Season 1 is here! There is currently only one Seasonal Task that has been released, and that task is to mine 5,000,000 blocks for a pet. Not just any pet. A 200% Token Boost pet. The pet is your head, and named after your player!

Task Slots Each player will have 3 slots for tasks instantly unlocked. Ultra and Divine donator ranks unlock +1 Task Slot per task category.

Task Shop The task shop allows you to purchase things for task using your Task Points. Task points are received by completing task of any difficulty.

You can purchase the following items within this shop: