Welcome to the TRX HOW-TO SERIES with Coach Justin Russ. This short series of educational videos is intended to introduce you to the TRX Suspension trainer, and get you familiar with how to setup and use the equipment, as well as some of the key concepts that we like our athletes to understand during their practice.

Equipment recommendations.

In this video series, you'll learn the following.

Let's talk about each of these individually.

The 6 Procedures of TRX

The 6 procedures are things that will make setting up and using your TRX quick and easy, so you can focus your practice time on the exercises themselves. You'll be introduced to one procedure in each of our how-to videos, but let's summarize them here for you.

  1. Adjusting the Strap Lengths - learn the different lengths for the straps and when to use them.
  2. Single Handle Mode - learn how to safely use only a single handle for unilateral exercises.
  3. Heels in - ever seen someone wrestling on the ground trying to get their feet in or out of the cradle? Learn how to get into the straps like a pro.
  4. Toes in - like heels in, there's grace and elegance to be found when you want to put your toes in the strap. We'll show you how.
  5. Even Pressure - learn how to make sure your TRX doesn't become a saw!
  6. Offset Foot Position - one of the great things about TRX is how easily we can adjust the load that we're moving. No need to fiddle around with weight stacks and pins, it's all in your feet.

The 6 Body Positions of TRX

Each of the exercises requires us to set ourselves up facing the straps in a different way. But there are only 6 ways to face the straps, and knowing them allows the coach to give you a quick cue such as "Stand Facing Away, Straps Mid-Length" and get you into the exercise as quickly as possible — no wasted time during practice!

For your reference, the 6 body positions you'll learn in this video series are:

  1. Stand Facing